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 生物の形とその生育環境の多様性に驚きを感じさせられます。4 億年前に陸上に進出した植物は、様々な環境変化に適応して繁栄してきました。その結果、私達は多様な形の植物を目にしているのです。

Research in our Laboratory
The Laboratory of Plant Molecular Physiology has focused on the molecular mechanism of cell responses to environmental changes and developmental programs in plants and microorganisms.
1. Molecular mechanisms for the regulation of the endogenous amounts of gibberellins (GAs) and its signaling.
2. Molecular mechanisms for the adaption to the environment.

 深澤 壽太郎 (Jutarou Fukazawa, Dr. Sci., E-mail: jutarouf@*) @*以下は@hiroshima-u.ac.jp

大学院学生(Graduate Students)
安藤 広記 (Hiroki Ando, D2)
山下 洋人 (Hiroto Yamashita, M2)
弘 将義 (Masayoshi Hiro, M2)


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退職にあたって -高橋 陽介 教授-



 植物の形態形成の大きな特徴の一つは細胞伸長が大きな役割を果たしている点にある。細胞伸長による体積増加は通常 50 倍を超え、植物の柔軟な形づくりの原動力である。環境情報と遺伝的なプログラムは共に植物ホルモンを介して細胞伸長を制御している。私たちのグループでは伸長成長を制御するジベレリンに関する転写調節と情報伝達を分子レベルで解析している。

minitree.jpg(4568 byte)環境応答の分子機構


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j0437619.jpg(3869 byte)ジャスモン酸による miRNA と MYC2 を介したGA内生量調節機構に関する論文が Plant Physiology 誌に掲載されましたプレスリリース

green2.jpg(2849 byte)第78回 中国四国植物学会 (島根大会オンラオイン・2022) で端野さんが優秀発表賞を受賞しました。

j0437619.jpg(3869 byte)GA20ox1のフィードバック制御に関する論文が Plant Mol. Biol. 誌に掲載されました

green2.jpg(2849 byte)第77回 中国四国植物学会 で安藤君が優秀発表賞(ポスター部門)、谷永さんが優秀発表賞(口頭発表部門)を受賞しました。

j0437619.jpg(3869 byte)GAF1の花成に関する論文が Plantae 誌で紹介されました

green2.jpg(2849 byte)GAF1による花成制御の論文がPlant Cell 誌に掲載されました

j0437619.jpg(3869 byte)Ca2+の論文が Plant Physiol. 誌の On the Inside で紹介されました

green2.jpg(2849 byte)Leica社のHPで紹介されました

j.jpg(22621 byte)GAF1の研究が RIKEN Research で紹介されました

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最近の発表論文 (Published papers)
K. Soudthedlath, T. Nakamura, T. Ushiwatari, J. Fukazawa, K. Osakabe, Y. Osakabe, A. (2024) Maruyama-Nakashita. SULTR2;1 adjusts the bolting timing by transporting sulfate from rosette leaves to the primary stem. Plant Cell Physiol. In press. Ref.gif(293 byte)

Fukazawa,J., Mori, K., Ando, H., Mori, R., Kanno, Y., Seo, M., and Takahashi, Y. (2023) Jasmonate inhibits plant growth and reduces gibberellin levels via microRNA5998 and transcription factor MYC2 in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiol.193, 2197-2214.Ref.gif(293 byte)

Fukazawa, J. Miyamoto, C., Ando, H., Mori, K. and Takahashi, Y. (2021) DELLA-GAF1 complex is involved in tissue-specific expression and gibberellin feedback regulation of GA20ox1 in Arabidopsis. Plant Mol. Biol. 107, 147-158. Ref.gif(293 byte)

Fukazawa, J. Ohashi, Y., Takahashi, R., Nakai, K. and Takahashi, Y. (2021) DELLA degradation by gibberellin promotes flowering via GAF1-TPR-dependent repression of floral repressors in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell , 33, 2258-2272.Ref.gif(293 byte)

Ito, T., Fukazawa, J. (2021) SCARECROW-LIKE3 regulates the transcription of gibberellin-related genes by acting as a transcriptional co-repressor of GAI-ASSOCIATED FACTOR1. Plant Mol. Biol., 105, 463-482. Ref.gif(293 byte)

Ito, T., Okada, K., Fukazawa, J. and Takahashi, Y. (2018) New gibberellin signaling pathway via Ca2+ signaling. Atlas of Science Ref.gif(293 byte)

Ito, T., Ishida, S. and Takahashi, Y. (2018) Autophosphorylation of Ser-6 via an intermolecular mechanism is important for the rapid reduction of NtCDPK1 kinase activity for substrate RSG. PLOS ONE 13, e0196357. Ref.gif(293 byte)

Ito, T., Okada, K., Fukazawa, J. and Takahashi, Y. (2018) DELLA-dependent and -independent gibberellin signaling. Plant Signal Behav. 13, e1445933. Ref.gif(293 byte)

Okada, K., Ito, T., Fukazawa, J. and Takahashi, Y. (2017) Gibberellin induces an increase in cytosolic Ca2+ via a DELLA-independent signaling pathway. Plant Physiol. 175, 1536-1542.Ref.gif(293 byte)

Fukazawa, J., Mori, M., Watanabe, S., Miyamoto, C., Ito, T. and Takahashi, Y. (2017) DELLA-GAF1 complex is a main component in gibberellin feedback regulation of GA 20-oxidase 2. Plant Physiol. 175, 1395-1406. Ref.gif(293 byte)

Ito, T., Ishida, S., Oe, S., Fukazawa, J. and Takahashi, Y. (2017) Autophosphorylation affects substrate-binding affinity of tobacco Ca2+-dependent protein kinase1. Plant Physiol. 174, 2457-2468. Ref.gif(293 byte)

Fukazawa, J., Ito, T., Kamiya, Y., Yamaguchi, S. and Takahashi, Y. (2015) Binding of GID1 to DELLAs promotes dissociation of GAF1 from DELLA in GA dependent manner. Plant Signal Behav. 10, e1052923. Ref.gif(293 byte)

Ito, T. and Takahashi, Y. (2015) Phosphatase protection assay: 14-3-3 binding protects the phosphate group of RSG from λ protein phosphatase. Bio-Protocol 5, e1395. Ref.gif(293 byte)

Ito, T., Nakata, M., Fukazawa, J., Ishida, S. and Takahashi, Y. (2014) Phosphorylation-independent binding of 14-3-3 to NtCDPK1 by a new mode. Plant Signal Behav. 9, e977721. Ref.gif(293 byte)

Fukazawa, J., Teramura, H., Murakoshi, S., Nasuno, K., Nishida, N., Ito, T., Yoshida, M., Kamiya, Y., Yamaguchi, S. and Takahashi, Y. (2014) DELLAs function as coactivators of GAI ASSOCIATED FACTOR1 in regulation of GA homeostasis and signaling in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell. 26, 2920-2938. Ref.gif(293 byte)

Ito, T., Nakata, M., Fukazawa, J., Ishida, S. and Takahashi, Y. (2014) Scaffold function of Ca2+-dependent protein kinase: NtCDPK1 transfers 14-3-3 to the substrate RSG after phosphorylation. Plant Physiol. 165, 1737-1750. Ref.gif(293 byte)

Ito, T., Nakata, M., Ishida, S. and Takahashi, Y. (2011) The mechanism of substrate recognition of Ca2+-dependent protein kinases. Plant Signal Behav. 6, 924 - 926. Ref.gif(293 byte)

Takahashi, Y. and Ito, T. (2011) Structure and function of CDPK: A sensor responder of calcium. In Coding and Decoding Calcium Signals in Plants. S. Luan, ed., Signaling and Communication in Plants 10, 129-146, Berlin: Springer-Verlag. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-20829-4_9. Ref.gif(293 byte)

Fukazawa, J., Nakata, M., Ito, T., Matushita, A., Yamaguchi, S. and Takahashi, Y. (2011) bZIP transcription factor RSG controls the feedback regulation of NtGA20ox1 via intracellular localization and epigenetic mechanism. Plant Signal Behav. 6, 26-28. Ref.gif(293 byte)

Ito, T., Nakata, M., Fukazawa, J., Ishida, S. and Takahashi, Y. (2010) Alteration of substrate specificity: The variable N-terminal domain of Ca2+-dependent protein kinase is important for the substrate recognition. Plant Cell 22, 1592-1604. Ref.gif(293 byte)

Fukazawa, J., Nakata, M., Ito, T., Yamaguchi, S. and Takahashi, Y. (2010) The transcription factor RSG regulates negative feedback of NtGA20ox1 encoding GA 20-oxidase. Plant J. 62, 1035-1045.Ref.gif(293 byte)

Nakata, M., Yuasa, T., Takahashi, Y. and Ishida, S. (2009) CDPK1, a calcium-dependent protein kinase, regulates transcriptional activator RSG in response to gibberellins. Plant Signal Behav. 4, 372-374. Ref.gif(293 byte)

Ishida, S., Yuasa, T., Nakata, M. and Takahashi, Y. (2008) A tobacco calcium-dependent protein kinase, CDPK1, regulates the transcription factor REPRESSION OF SHOOT GROWTH in response to gibberellins. Plant Cell 20, 3273-3288. Ref.gif(293 byte)

Nagae, M., Nakata, M. and Takahashi, Y. (2008) Identification of negative cis-acting elements in response to copper in the chloroplastic iron superoxide dismutase gene of the moss Barbula unguiculata. Plant Physiol. 146, 1687-1692. Ref.gif(293 byte)

Matsushita, A., Furumoto, T., Ishida, S. and Takahashi. Y. (2007) AGF1, an AT-Hook protein, is necessary for the negative feedback of AtGA3ox1 encoding GA 3-oxidase. Plant Physiol. 143, 1152-1162. Ref.gif(293 byte)

Nakata, M., Sakurai, Y., Watanabe, Y., Hashimoto, Y., Matsuzaki. M., Takahashi, Y. and Satoh, T. (2004) Identification and characterization of germin-like protein gene family of a moss, Physcomitrella patens. Plant Mol. Biol. 56, 381-395. Ref.gif(293 byte)

Ishida, S., Fukazawa, J., Yuasa, T. and Takahashi, Y. (2004) Involvement of 14-3-3 signaling protein binding in the functional regulation of the transcriptional activator RSG by gibberellins. Plant Cell 16, 2641-2651. Ref.gif(293 byte)

Takahashi Y., Fukazawa, J., Matushita A. and Ishida, S. (2003) Involvement of RSG and 14-3-3 proteins in the transcriptional regulation of a GA biosynthetic gene. J. Plant Growth Regul. 22, 195-204. Ref.gif(293 byte)

Igarashi, D., Ishida, S., Fukazawa, J. and Takahashi, Y. (2001) 14-3-3 proteins regulate intracellular localization of the bZIP transcriptional activator RSG. Plant Cell 13, 2483-2497. Ref.gif(293 byte)

Fukazawa, J., Sakai, T., Ishida, S., Yamaguchi, I., Kamiya, Y. and Takahashi, Y. (2000) REPRESSION OF SHOOT GROWTH, a bZIP transcriptional activator, regulates cell elongation through the level of gibberellins. Plant Cell 12, 901-915. Ref.gif(293 byte)